Mach v0.3 has been released! For all the details check out the announcement

Frequently asked questions


Today, Mach is rather experimental.

There won’t be one major event where it is suddenly declared stable, rather it will be a bunch of small/incremental releases building up to it. You can look at the roadmap to get an idea of what we’re working on currently, and what will come later.

Can I use Mach to make a simple 2D game?

Quite possibly! Check out Lord of Zero and Pixi for some ideas of what you could do.

Can I use Mach to make a simple 3D game?

It depends on how comfortable you are with low-level graphics APIs.

  • You will need to bring your own:
    • 3D model loading and rendering
    • Physics library
    • GUI library

It will be a while before we have good high-level 3D graphics support; a lot of other pieces need to land first. See the roadmap for details.

Can I make my own game engine using Mach?

Yes! For example instead of using GLFW/SDL+OpenGL+glm as the base for your own engine, you might choose to use mach.core and mach.math from our standard library.