Object system: modules

Mach modules are a key concept of the Mach object system. Mach modules (not to be confused with Zig modules, although they are very similar) are the ‘building blocks’ used to organize everything in Mach itself, as well as in your own application. You can pick and choose which modules your program uses, import third-party libraries that provide modules, etc.

Examples of modules: a physics engine, a 2D sprite renderer, a text renderer, a scene manager, your application’s main logic, etc.

Program entrypoint

Normally, you might start writing an application by writing the bulk of your code inside your main.zig file’s pub fn main.

In a Mach application, you may not write main.zig at all. Instead you may prefer to let Mach provide main.zig for you depending on the platform, so that it can provide a different version for desktop/mobile/etc that handles such differences.

If you were to write main.zig yourself, though, it would look something like this for a desktop app:

const std = @import("std");
const mach = @import("mach");

// The set of Mach modules our application may use.
const Modules = mach.Modules(.{

pub fn main() !void {
    const allocator = std.heap.c_allocator;

    // Initialize the module system.
    var mods: Modules = undefined;
    try mods.init(allocator);

    // Pass control to our App.zig module.
    const app = mods.get(.app);

Here you can see we declare a Modules type - the set of Mach modules that our application may use when it runs.

All Mach modules in a program are known once the program starts, you can’t e.g. add/remove/disable modules at runtime - once you register them, they’re always there ready to be used - the only question is whether you do use them or not.

If you look closely, none of our application logic is written in this main.zig file either: instead we write our application logic inside App.zig - our very own Mach module - and pub fn main simply passes control to that module.

The simplest Mach module

Just like a Zig module, a Mach module is simply a struct - often written as just a Zig code file. For example, here’s an App.zig module:

pub const mach_module = .app;

This module doesn’t do anything - it’s just has a name - which is the only required field for a Mach module.

Modules have names

Modules follow certain conventions and requirements, the first one being that a module must have a unique name.

The pub const mach_module = .foobar; is an enum literal indicating the module’s name (you can write any value on the right hand side, since you’re declaring the module’s name.)

Here are some naming rules and guidelines to be aware of:

  1. No two modules in a program can have the same name (enforced by a compiler error), which means all Mach modules in a program are globally addressible.
  2. If writing a module that others may import/use in their own programs, you should prefix your module names with a unique identifier like your project name to prevent conflicts with the user’s own application modules.
    • Example: Mach’s builtin modules are prefixed with “mach_”, e.g. .mach_sprite_renderer instead of .sprite_renderer
  3. If writing a module just for your application/game’s logic, you can safely assume all modules you import are prefixed - so you can use single-word names like .app, .physics, .renderer, etc. for yourself.

Modules can have global state

Let’s look at our App.zig module from earlier: since Zig code files are just structs (as if you wrote the contents of a file inside a struct { ... } block), we can write struct fields at the top level of our file.

For example, we can add a timer and counter field to our App.zig module:

pub const mach_module = .app;

timer: mach.time.Timer,
counter: u32,

There is only ever one instance of a module in a program, so these are effectively global variables. Writing these as struct fields rather than literally as global vars means that Mach moduloe’s global state fields are globally addressible (its possible to walk all modules used in the program, then walk over all their state fields, inspecting their data types, and reading/writing their values at runtime - which is super useful for debug tooling and more!)

Modules can have systems

Similar to how we declared pub const mach_module = .foo_name;, a module can declare that it has systems with specific names:

pub const mach_systems = .{ .main, .init, .tick, .deinit };

In this case, our module declared that it has systems called .main, .init, .tick, and .deinit - these are just made up names (we’re declaring them) - we can name them whatever we like.

Systems are ultimately just functions (or lists of functions) that could be run if someone wants them to. They don’t do anything by default.

The only requirement is that if a system is named in mach_systems, there must be a corresponding public function or schedule of the same name (else you’ll get a compiler error) - for example:

pub fn init() void {
    // ...

Systems are covered in more depth in the systems section.

Modules can have objects

Just like how we added the timer and counter fields above, it is possible to declare lists of objects inside a module. For example, here’s a list of monsters where each monster object can have a health and damage value:

monsters: mach.Objects(struct {
    health: f32,
    damage: f32,

Objects are covered in more depth in the objects section.

Continue reading: systems

Object system: systems