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mach-core: v0.2 API redesign

Mach v0.2 brought a complete redesign of the mach-core API. To upgrade your application, see the notes below.

See also the migration notes page.

Updating your application

Previously, a complete Mach Core application looked something like this:

pub const App = @This();

pub fn init(app: *App, core: *mach.Core) !void {
    // ...

pub fn deinit(_: *App, _: *mach.Core) void {}

pub fn update(app: *App, core: *mach.Core) !void {
    while (core.pollEvent()) |event| {
        switch (event) {
            .key_press => |ev| {
                if (ev.key == .space) core.close();
            else => {},
    // core.swap_chain_format

// optional
pub fn resize(app: *App, core: *mach.Core, width: u32, height: u32) !void {
    // use core.device

After these changes, the above now looks like this:

pub const App = @This();

var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};

core: mach.Core,

pub fn init(app: *App) !void {
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    try app.core.init(allocator, .{});
    // ...

pub fn deinit(app: *App) void {
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    defer app.core.deinit();

pub fn update(app: *App) !bool {
    var iter = app.core.pollEvents();
    while ( |event| {
        switch (event) {
            .key_press => |ev| {
                if (ev.key == .space) core.close();
            .framebuffer_resize => |ev| {
                // optional event - framebuffer resized to ev.width, ev.height
                // use app.core.device()
            .close => return true,
            else => {},
    // core.swap_chain_format -> core.descriptor().format
    return false;


  • mach.Core is no longer a parameter provided to your App, instead, Mach only calls init/update/deinit callbacks of your app, and you are responsible for maintaining a mach.Core instance and using it.
  • It is now possible to specify your own allocator for mach.Core to use.
  • core.pollEvent has been renamed to core.pollEvents and now returns an iterator of events.
  • App.update must now return !bool instead of !void, the bool indicates if the program should exit.
  • App.resize is no longer an allowed optional callback, instead a framebuffer_resize event was added.
  • A .close event was added which you should handle by e.g. return true to exit the program.
  • Some commonly used fields were renamed:
    • core.swapchain -> core.swapchain()
    • core.swap_chain_format -> core.descriptor().format


Trouble updating, or have questions? We’re always happy to help, feel free to join our Discord!